
Master Trader Greg capra

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Master Trader – Swing Trading Course – Greg capra


Size:-4.5 GB


Quality -HD



The course teaches you a thought process by building technical concepts upon each other to be a profitable swing trader – and without spending a lot of time in front of a trading screen.
Swing Trading Strategies is precisely designed for traders and investors wanting to create wealth and income holding positions a few days to weeks.
The course teaches you a thought process by building technical concepts upon each other to be a profitable swing trader – and without spending a lot of time in front of a trading screen.
No matter what type of price action is happening in the market, Master Trader swing trading strategies will give you the right bias to be long, short with confidence – or to stand aside. This Seminar will teach you how to find, place and manage swing trading opportunities to profit in a few days or weeks. Trend trading opportunities at the right location where prices are ready to resume the trend puts the odds with us.
With an advanced, yet simplified way of using moving moving averages, it allows us to know the trend in multiple time frames while only using our primary time frame. This making multiple time frame analysis fast and accurate.
We use a top-down approach that defines where the institutional money is flowing into and out of. Swing trading preparation makes the process of what and when to place the trade simple. Greg’s automated scans and charting pages that find the trends and candlestick patterns taught come with the course!
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